Javascript는 컴파일(Compile)언어 인가? 인터프리터(Interpreted)언어 일까?

Javascript는 컴파일 언어도 아닌, 하이브리드도 아닌, 인터프리터 언어로 부르는 편이다.

Javascript는 컴파일 언어도 아닌, 하이브리드도 아닌, 인터프리터 언어로 부르는 편이다.

~한 편이다 라고 적은 이유는 확실한 인터프리터 언어라고 부르기도 애매한 부분이 있기 때문이다.


컴파일 언어와 인터프리터 언어란?

(Compile Language & Interpreter Language)

this is definition of compile and interpreter

혼란스러운 이유

(Reason why Confuse)

this is reason why confuse content



for exemple about ..

[!NOTE] This is a NOTE


[!TIP] This is a TIP





A scripting language is a programming language which is interpreted at runtime instead of being compiled to machine code. A language can be executed in different ways - ‘interpreted’ or ‘compiled’ (to bytecode or machine code). Traditionally, when talking about the difference about scripting vs. programming, scripting languages are interpreted and programming languages are compiled. Basically, all scripting languages are programming languages. The theoretical difference between the two is that scripting languages do not require the compilation step and are rather interpreted .

The spectrum of scripting languages ranges from very small and highly domain-specific languages to general-purpose programming languages used for scripting. The most basic scripting interface developed at W3C is the DOM, the Document Object Model which allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents. DOM specifications form the core of DHTML . Scripting can make Web pages more dynamic. For example, without reloading a new version of a page it may allow modifications to the content of that page, or allow content to be added to or sent from that page.

Scripting languages are becoming more popular due to the emergence of web-based applications. Although scripts are widely employed in the programming world, they have recently become more associated with the World Wide Web , where they have been used extensively to create dynamic Web pages. While technically there are many client-side scripting languages that can be used on the Web, in practice it means using JavaScript. Applications for JavaScript span from interactive websites to the Internet of Things, making it a great choice for beginners and experienced developers looking to learn a new programming language .